The Ultimate Guide to Choose a Salon Software

Choose smart, choose efficiently - Select a salon software that streamlines your Salon business and puts you in control.

How to Choose a Salon Software

With 400+ salon and spa management software available in the market, from a wide range of free and simple software to advanced and high-priced software, identifying the correct software has been challenging.

Most of these software offer the same set of features at a high level. But technically, they vary by behavior, depth of the implementation, and their impact on the business.

Even after spending a good amount of trial, it is challenging to find if it's effective. Most software seekers validate the few known aspects of the need, ignoring the more significant problem and later realizing that they cannot manage the business efficiently.

A study says most newly opened salons fail to choose efficient salon software. Those owners with no clear business vision and strategies tend to choose salon software with basic features like appointment management, invoicing, client management, etc. While still, they need the other vital features like client experience, retention, new customer acquisition, etc.

In this article, we will discuss the business problems of the wellness industry (Salon & spa) and how a salon software can effectively solve them.

We have taken the below aspects of business problems and evaluated how the salon software can help in addressing these aspects.

Getting New Clients

Check how a salon & spa management software can help you getting new clients. Statistics say that more than 90% of the clients discover a salon through online channels like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

How is your software helping in capitalizing on these channels?

24/7 online booking system

Research shows that 35% of bookings are made after working hours. The 24/7 online booking system helps to increase reservations and reduce no-shows. Online booking helps reduce the staff's workload and control the missing of appointments due to staff unavailability.

Deeper online Integrations into all marketing channels like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc

Social media channels like Google, Facebook, and Instagram help to increase the brand reach and acquire new customers. Integration of an Online booking system to this channel helps to get more new clients and retain the existing customers. Boosting the post on Facebook and Instagram increases the client reach in a specific radius, and the online booking system helps here with hassle-free booking.

Increase Google 5 star rating and win the local competition:

Feedback plays a vital role in getting new clients to the business. Clients will receive low ratings on Google if they are unhappy with the service. Improving a 5-star rating on the Google business page helps to increase visibility. The more positive feedback, the more new client acquisition.

Get new clients from existing clients

Get a referral from the existing clients and increase the new client base. Run an SMS campaign with offers for referring new clients to the Salon. Promote Gift vouchers and expand the new client base during the festive season. Allow clients to buy vouchers and share them with their loved ones. MioSalon allows clients to add recipients and buy the voucher. Example: Mother's day gift Voucher $250 | Valentine's day gift voucher $300.

Increasing client experience

Salon & spa is an experience-driven service industry where Client satisfaction is a non-negotiable item. The journey of client experience starts from the booking of an appointment till the client booking the next appointment. Whether the appointment is booked online or over the phone, the experience of the booking process counts on how professional it is, with timely confirmation and notifications. Measuring the client experience should be a continuous process that includes every moment and every dimension like booking experience, staff behavior, service quality, ambiance, etc. How does the salon appointment management software can help you here?

Consent form

Whenever we get an appointment from a client, or new visitor try to understand their needs and check any allergies they have before proceeding with any treatments. So send an attached consent form link with every new appointment, or you can collect it at the store level. In MioSalon, you can customize the consent form and see the complete response report for individual clients.

Booking notes

Taking booking notes is more important for a cashier/manager because the notes will highlight that particular appointment. Example: Customers prefer only L'Oréal products.

360 client profile

Every client is unique and essential. A client should feel like a King. Clients always want to check their available offers, package expiry dates, prepaid wallet balances, and more. So managing all the details unautomated is not possible and difficult to track. MioSalon just searches for clients by their mobile number or name, get a complete 360 profile and track all the records from day one.

360 client profile
360 client profile

Google calendar synchronization

Everyone uses a smartphone and, by default, is integrated with Gmail and google calendar, so sending appointment reminders via google calendar leads to more open rates and reduces no-shows. MioSalon integrates with google calendar and sends a reminder automatically, and the client gets a popup notification on their mobile.

Analyze client behavior on the booking system with Google Analytics

Once you integrate the booking widget then it's time to track the traffic and the conversions. MioSalon allows you to track the bookings, log your google analytics, and check the number of traffic and conversion that happened, i.e. number of visits and the number of appointments.

A flexible & high-performance booking experience for your clients

A clean booking experience will end in more repeated bookings from a client. Convey the list of services to relevant staff. The booking experience continues after the booking submission by sending an acknowledgement message and multiple reminders.

Client Trust with secured client credit management

  • OTP-based prepaid redemption

    Prepaid is a high-value reward for both client and salon and, at the same time, high risk in maintaining and securing each client's prepaid balance. So sending an OTP verification to the client before redeeming any service from the prepaid balance is more secure for both client and Salon.

  • Extend the expiry period of credits on a need basis

    A client who holds a package or prepaid is always loyal to a salon and may not be able to come and redeem packages due to unavoidable reasons, so we need to extend the expiry period and help them.

How is the life of staff improved with access to the software? (Increase Staff Efficiency)

Increasing online rating

In the metro cities, Over 3000 people search for salons & spas in every two sq. mile radius. Google shows only the top 3 salons with good ratings in any given location. Salon & Spa with good customer reviews and the highest rating in a locale will tap most of the online clients. Check if the salon software is helping in increasing the rating? It is a significant question to answer. MioSalon does it for you!

Client feedback

  • Get the feedback specific to the service and staff

    To know how a stylist or therapist did the service, we need to frame the feedback question based on the service. For example: How was the Gold Facial service done? How was the Face waxing service done? Then based on the feedback response, we can conclude which service is getting bad ratings and done by which staff.

  • Ability to change based on previous answers

    Dynamic feedback is more effective and better if you automate it. In MioSalon, we can define a dynamic feedback template based on the previous questions answered. The upcoming templates have been changed. Example 1: How do you rate our beautician? If the rating is five stars, the next question is, "could you please leave us a Google review?" Example 2: If the rating is two stars, then the next question is, "Please let us know the areas of improvement"

  • Ask different questions for Yes and No.

    Customize the feedback template with a simple Yes or No type template. You can customize Yes or No follow-up questions based on the response and automate that.

  • Increase Google rating

    Increasing the google rating is the most formidable job for salon spa owners. Most of the salons spend more time on getting google reviews and ratings. But in MioSalon, we can increase the google ratings without a workforce and much time. In MioSalon feedback technology, redirect all the positive feedback directly to your Salon's google page and increase the ratings and reviews.

  • Minimize bitter experiences by continuous learning

    Clients who search for salons near google always seek negative reviews before proceeding with their bookings. Hence, a salon owner needs to stop all the negative feedback at the store level before it moves to social media. Get instant notifications for all the negative ratings. Add all the managers and salon owners to get negative feedback notifications.

Insight of single negative feedback is more powerful than 1000 positive feedback.

Increase Google 5-star rating and review counts

90% of salon searches happen in google, so it clearly shows 90% of new customer potential available on google searches. Now we have an idea of where to prioritize all our efforts. If your salon is located in metro cities, then competition is high. On average, in 1sq mile, 1000+ salon searches happen every month, and the distribution of 1000 new customers to all salons is uneven because of google reviews and ratings. The Salon has more positive reviews and ratings, getting more new customers. Here in the MioSalon, you can take all the positive reviews directly to your Salon's google business page. Collect feedback from each customer via SMS/Email/Whatsapp. The MioSalon system will identify the customer who gives 5-star ratings and redirects them to your Salon's google business page. That is the easiest way to take all your positive feedback to your google page and position yourself in the top search results.

Increase Google 5-star rating and review counts

Stop 1-star ratings and negative reviews on Google and Social media

If you have one negative review on your google page, you lose a minimum of 10 potential new customers every month, so stop and control the negative feedback at the store level. Even if you have more positive reviews, adding one negative rating will reduce your overall ratings.

Retention Program to increase the revenue by 300%

The Salon Management Software must have a flexible retention program that suits all the client persona. The client's persona varies from high risk and high rewards to no risk and low rewards spectrum. No one program fits everyone. Check if the salon software can run multiple programs catering to your clients' needs.

Sell loyalty programs based on customer behavior

By implementing a Loyalty program, you could increase the revenue of your Salon and spa. Create packages, prepaid/wallet, and membership to increase customer retention. Bundled service packages and Prepaid help increase client retention for a long duration and increase the client's lifetime value by selling the loyalty program based on the client's spending, with which you could increase the Lifetime value of your loyal customer.

Increase the client's lifetime number of visits

Studies show that the loyalty program increases the lifetime visit of the client. If the client enrolls in the packages, prepaid or membership, we can increase the number of visits. E.g., If a client purchases ten haircuts, he will be coming for the next ten months to take the service.

Reduce the client churn rate

Enrollment of the client in the loyalty programs reduces the churn rate-timely service reminders help retain the customer on time for the next visit. Collecting reviews from the client helps to know the customer's satisfaction and control the client churn due to unsatisfactory service.

How does the software help in staying ahead of the market competition? (Increase Brand Value)

Ability to recall your brand and services continuously

  • Weekly campaign

    Do a weekly campaign by understanding the Salon's weekly sales trends and customer churn. MioSalon segregates the customers into buckets like Active, likely to be churn and defective. Based on the weekly metrics, do a bulk campaign with a single click and track all the campaigns with a unique tracking code that generates a conversion report.

    Text Campaign
    Text Message Campaigns
  • Next visit reminder based on service

    Bringing the client back at the right time is a challenge. Manager can't make a cold call and reach and remind 1000+ clients in a month so automate the service reminder based on the service or treatment they took last time. Set an interval day for each service, and a reminder message will automatically shoot once in 30 days or once in 15 days; this will increase the daily footfall and customer retention.

  • Birthday and Anniversary wishes and offers

    On average, every two years the salon has a client database of 5000+. For example, if you have 5000 birth date contact details, we can get 5000 visits and increase the revenue by 10% more from the greetings.

Effective Appointment Management

Check how efficiently you can manage the appointment that ensures that the client experience is not compromised and the staff is not overburdened. You will need a flexible and efficient appointment management system where the client should be able to book by themselves, you should be able to manage complex appointments involving multiple staffs, resources, recurring, etc. You should be able to accomodate the time required to prepare for the service, clean up the resources, etc. Cohesively, it would be best if you had your appointment management software for three critical aspects of your business, i.e. service, staff, and resources.

How effectively can you manage your staff calendar and resource availability? (Appointment Management)

Automated features to simplify day-to-day salon & spa operations

Automated reminders

  • To the client

    Send multiple reminders to the clients, say two days before, one day before, and 3hr before the appointment. Sending multiple reminders with proper intervals will reduce 70% of No shows. With MioSalon, you can set multiple automated reminders at varied intervals of days and hours.

    For example, The appointment date is 10th Nov, and the system shoots Three auto reminders, 1st reminder message is on 8th Nov | 2nd msg is on 9th Nov | and the 3rd message is 3 hours before the appointment.

  • To staff

    Send appointment reminders to the front desk manager, stylist and to all the indented team members who are supposed to be involved.

    Sending the reminders at the start of the day will help the team member to plan their day accordingly. Are you having a team member who takes appointments at different locations and then he should get a time reminder to plan his day.

Integrate with Google Calendar

Sync all the appointments with the client's google calendar so they will get a google reminder popup notification on the mobile screen, Which will look more professional, and the open rate is more than SMS or email.

We keep the staff, Manager, and clients informed of appointment changes

For every new appointment or any changes in the appointment status, we can notify that particular stylist or Manager. So the staff can prepare for the next appointment or take any walk-in client appointment.

Cancel appointment notification

Canceling an appointment by the client is common, but we need to send an acknowledgment notification to the client. Because if any cancellation happens by the internal team knowingly or unknowingly, that will create a problem. So automate the cancel appointment notification in MioSalon. Whenever the appointment status is moved to the cancel system, it will trigger an auto notification to the client, Manager, and owner.

Recurring appointments

  • Add recurring appointments for a service or treatment weekly or monthly or on specific days

    We need to have recurring appointments for some instances. For example, some treatments need a regular consultation or a loyal customer who wants to book an appointment every Sunday 1st, week of the month. In MioSalon, you can convert an appointment into a recurring one. You can configure the interval days. Once a recurring appointment is created, it will sync on specific days with all auto-reminders. Recurring appointments will increase the client's lifetime visits.

  • Send an auto reminder for a recurring appointment

    It is difficult to call for follow-up and remind the customer of their appointments, so in MioSalon, for the recurring appointment, we can add an auto reminder sequence of 2 days, one day, and 3 hours reminder before the appointment. One can send reminders via SMS, WhatsApp, Email, Google calendar popup, or all of them.

Spam Control

  • Ask for a 100% upfront payment for the client with a history of more no-shows

    Controlling online spam bookings is a major headache for salon owners and managers. Spam booking is time-consuming and affects Salon's revenue and walk-in client appointments. To stop online spam booking, we should collect some upfront payment at the time of booking. In MioSalon, you can enable the payment gateway and ask for 100% payment for online booking. By allowing the online payment option, you can reduce Spam by up to 90%.

  • Store-level spam booking

    There are even a few chances of getting some spam booking through the telephone because of providing incorrect details or having a horrible no-show history. To avoid telephonic spam booking, cashiers should know the client's previous record to proceed further. For example, if we get a telephonic appointment, the salon manager or receptionist can get the customer's 360° profile and check the no-show's history. If the client has more no-shows, send a booking link separately via SMS/email and collect a 100% upfront payment to confirm the appointment. Also, along with the confirmation (via SMS/email/WhatsApp), you can send one more link to double-confirm the booking. A client should click that link and submit a booking confirmation as Yes, No, or Maybe. Once the client submits the booking confirmation, the salon manager or cashier will get notified, and they can Freeze the booking.

  • Online spam booking

    24/7 open online booking will bring more bookings to a salon, but at the same time, we should be ready to handle spam bookings. At the store level, the cashier can check customers' 360° profiles and easily avoid spam bookings, whereas when it comes online, it's a big challenge to track. Still, at MioSalon software, we can automate online spam control; for example, Before a client completes the online booking, MioSalon AI will track the customer's previous appointment history and search for No shows and missed appointment counts. When they have more no-shows, the MioSalon booking system will ask for a 100% upfront payment to proceed with the online booking.

Collect a minimum amount

High-value service or treatment requires more time and effort, so we can collect a minimum upfront amount to avoid spam booking. For example, During booking, if the bill value crosses over $1000, we can collect a minimum amount of 20% or a value of $200. Collecting a minimum amount will reduce the spam booking, plus the Salon gets money in advance.

Get client confirmation via a link

Even some loyal customers may need to correctly submit the correct appointment date, time, or service to reconfirm the booked appointment from MioSalon. We can send a reminder SMS with a confirmation link, instantly updating the staff/manager calendar screen. Double confirmation will avoid spam booking and also reduce no-shows.

Avoiding double bookings

  • Via online

    Sync the staff appointment calendar online and only allow one client to book the same staff for the same time. Example: staff Michael got an appointment on 31st Dec at 11:00 am, which will sync on the online calendar and block the staff time to avoid the double booking.

  • Via Telephone

    Alter the front desk cashier by showing a message as the stylist/therapist does not prefer to make an appointment at this time.

    If the cashier schedules two different client bookings for the same staff at the same time, it will create a problem. To avoid this, MioSalon will give a warning message on the appointment screen, alerting the front desk cashier and avoiding human error.

  • Show double-booked appointment differences on the calendar page

    The MioSalon staff calendar page will highlight the double bookings by showing a two-border color code for the staff who have overridden booking. And any time staff can log in and check their calendar can easily find the double booking status.

    Restrict the double booking option for the front desk cashier. For the cashier, we can give a different login id and restrict the double-booking feature. So when the cashier tries to book an appointment for the same staff and other customers simultaneously, the system doesn't allow for double-booking processing.

Pre and post-service buffer time to clean up resources

  • Allow 10 min or 15 min service block duration between the next appointment.

    Every service needs preparation time before and after; staff can't make another appointment during this time. In MioSalon, you can add a block duration for each service and automate it, and for every new booking, a block duration will be added before and after the service duration.

  • It can automate or the cashier can do it manually

    If some service needs extra block duration, the cashier can extend the block duration manually. In the MioSalon appointment page, click the block time button, drag the duration to the calendar screen, and save. The cashier can briefly describe the block time during the manual block time.

  • Block duration time will not show in the online booking calendar

    Stop showing the block time in the online booking. It would help if you handled all the service block time offline and synced non-working time to the staff calendar to avoid any bookings.

Room & Equipment booking

  • Show the availability of resources or rooms on the booking screen.

    Booking based on the rooms/resources is common for spas, and even for some beauty clinics, you could take the booking as per the room availability. For a spa manager or receptionist, tracking staff and room availability takes a lot of work. Still, the client wants to book spa treatments with a specific therapist, and the store manager must check the availability of the room. In MioSalon, you can track and make an appointment based on the rooms/resources. We can show multiple available resources/rooms in the appointment calendar to pick any one of them.

Avoid resource double booking

All the existing customers prefer their favorite therapist or staff, so there is no need to show resources in the online calendar. In MioSalon, we can hide the resource in the online booking. And internally, the cashier can update the availability of rooms.

Capture client address details for the doorstep service

Salons offering doorstep service must capture the client's address during online or telephonic booking. Some bridal or groom services need doorstep service, and bookings happen online or by telephone. In Miosalon, customers can fill their address details and send notifications to the Manager and stylist.

Allow clients to pay online during the bookings

Collecting payment through online booking will reduce the no-shows, and clients can visit the salon spa without fear of payment.

Allow clients to book their favorite stylist

50% of clients only repeat if assigned to a different stylist. We need to know the client profile to assign favourite staff. For example, When a client is coming for the 2nd time to the Salon and wants to book the same staff who did last time, but now the client needs to know the staff name. The cashier wrongly assigned a different staff without knowing the client's history, and 90% of the clients left the Salon without sharing feedback and didn't return. In MioSalon, you can easily understand the client's profile by searching for the phone number. See all the previous activities, feedback, and favourite staff.

Motivating and expanding the staff experience

The staff represents the entire brand, and the service's quality reflects the brand's value. To keep staff motivated, you should have a clear business vision, you should digitally include your team in daily operations to make them inclusive in the mission. Staff should be looped in the updates on their schedule, the feedback shared by the clients they served, and the commission earned by them daily.

Alert the staff, Manager, and central office if required to resolve the issue immediately

Salon managers and admin are responsible for negative feedback so send an automatic alert notification for every negative feedback. So the managers who are responsible can jump into the issue and solve it immediately. The owner can also track daily feedback response reports and find how many negative clients the Manager reached and solved the problem.

Automate staff commission calculation

No need to maintain a separate excel sheet or a book for a staff commission. In MioSalon, just set a target and assign the related commission profile to the right staff, and the system will calculate automatically and generate all possible reports.

Stay motivated by tracking commission/incentives daily

  • Send individual staff daily summary reports via SMS/email/Whatsapp

    Knowing the daily performance helps productivity, so automate the daily reports via SMS/email/WhatsApp to all staff individually. Doing this will also reduce the after-day report preparation time.

  • Individual staff can log in to their report and verify any time

    Giving stylists a separate login and allowing them to check only their daily reports will boost the performance and any time they can log in and be on track with daily, weekly, or monthly targets.

  • Highly motivated by getting a commission by items and targets every month

    The Commission is the key tool to motivate the salon stylist. Fix the target monthly or weekly and leave it to MioSalon. Commission can be calculated automatically, and pull the report at any time. Defining the commission varies Salon to Salon, so customize the commission profile and create a commission based on items or by the target. For example, Commission by Item: Get a $5 commission for selling every Hair smoothening | Commission by target: Get a 5% commission on achieving $10,000 and an 8% commission by reaching $15,000.

Ability to service clients with different staff based on their skills

  • Know the client's previous booking notes and assign the right staff.

    Repeated clients come for their favorite staff, so we need to assign the right staff to the right client. Wrongly assigned staff may cause churn. With MioSalon, you can type a client's phone number and check all the previous activities and top favorite staff. Check that favorite staff availability and book an appointment.

Measure and monitor self-performance daily

  • Track staff revenue by service, product, package, prepaid, etc.

    Salon has various line items like service, product, package, prepaid, and memberships. And each line item must be under monetizing and keep on improving. Item-wise, filter the revenue and check the staff performance, which will show the potential of each staff member and focus area.

  • Know how much service duration each staff contributed

    All appointments are based on the service duration. And staff productivity is also based on the duration they spend on each service. If a staff working duration is less with low income, then its high risk. Also, if a staff duration is more with low income is a risk. In staff, reports filter the date range and check the duration each staff spends.

  • Track how many repeated clients a staff having

    As we know, in a salon, repeated clients contribute more than 60% of revenue, and every appointment is again staff, so on a weekly or monthly basis we need to track which staff has more repeat clients. If any staff doest have repeated clients, then they need an assessment.

  • Get a staff 360-degree profile

    Staff 360 degree is essential as a client 360 profile. Staff management is the biggest challenge in all the salons and spas, so keep track of the staff performance on an all basis. Staff 360 degree shows all the item-wise revenue split, and customer handled.

Managing their appointments on the go

  • Give separate calendar access for each staff member.

    Giving each staff member a separate login access to their calendar will help check all appointments regularly, and staff can add any upsell. It is notified to the front desk manager/cashier. Also, staff can know how many appointments were completed and where they are against the target.

  • Get instant notification for every appointment.

    For every appointment, send automated notifications to the manager and respective stylists, so they get alert and be prepared for the upcoming appointments. Also, avoid client waiting time in the reception.

  • Get the job card details over the SMS/Email/Whatsapp

    A job card is more important for a stylist. On the other hand, preparing a job card for each appointment and staff is the most challenging task for a front-end manager, so we need to automate the job card and send an instant SMS/Email/Whatsapp notification to the stylist to keep on track. Also, if they want, they can take an instant print.

A Frugal Operation to increase the Profit Margin

Salon profit margin ranges from 2% to 17%, averaging 7.7%. In such a low-margin business, 5% optimization of revenue will help increase the profit by 65%. MioSalon identified 12 operational holes leading to the disappearance of income and resources.

For example, out of $10000 revenue, average profit is $770. If 5% of revenue, ie $500 is saved through various optimization, the profit becomes $700 + $500 = $1270, which is a 65% increase in profit, without increasing the revenue.

Increase efficiency in internal product usage to reduce cost

  • Track staff-level product distribution.

    In a salon, distribution of stock/product is common but tracking the product distribution is time-consuming and

  • Know how much product is consumed by each staff

    After the product is distributed to each staff or Manager, tracking the consumption level is mandatory. Every service cost includes the product cost, so monetization of product consumption is a must. Salons that do doorstep service need to track how much product is distributed to staff and consumed. If any overconsumption or less consumption happens, it should be under review.

Build a happy clients database with preferred staff tracking

How does it help in saving time and money by automating daily operations? (Reduce operational costs)

Collect payment when the client books with integrated payments

Allow clients to pay online during the bookings. Doing this will add upfront money and reduce the no-shows by 98%. Also, the client can visit the Salon without fear of payment and save time on both ends.

Partial payment for spam & no-show control

To stop spam bookings and no-shows, Collecting partial payment is the only way to introduce online bookings. MioSalon booking allows you to collect 50% of the gross total as an advance payment, or if the overall bill value crosses a certain amount can ask for the 50 or 20% payment in advance to avoid no-shows.

Full payment for spam & no-show control

Control your Salon and spa bookings using MioSalon's 100% automated AI. Identify the no-shows' clients and ask for full payment to proceed with the bookings. This 100% upfront payment is only for the visitor with more no-shows. For example, Get full payment if the client has 1+ no-shows.

No payment

Allow clients to book an appointment without asking for any payment. By doing this, the chances of spam booking will be higher but, at the same time, increase the number of bookings and footfall.

Card and paperless client management

Go paperless! No need to provide any physical card to the client for the loyalty program. The client can walk to the Salon without carrying any card or physical coupons. Just tell the client the mobile number and redeem the offers on any branch. This paperless loyalty program saves more money and avoids unnecessary expenses.

The client can only carry the card sometimes. Use their number to track the Profile

It is challenging to carry the salon membership card everywhere, and clients may need to remember to bring it to the Salon to redeem their offers. So just a phone number is enough to track the availability of offers and credits.

The printed invoice will fade. Share the digital invoice for clients to use anytime, and allow them to print anywhere

Buying a printer and paper is an additional cost to the Salon, and they also need maintenance regularly for a printer. But we can avoid all these by sending a digital invoice to the client. And the client can also use that message as a reference at any time.

Avoid physical copies of loyalty cards and invoices

Printing cards for membership, prepaid, coupons and vouchers is an unwanted expense. A single client can only hold some of the cards in their wallet. Nowadays, everyone carries their mobile phone, so a phone number is enough to check the available loyalty points and prepaid balance.

Automating the Client Engagement

Staying connected with the client is very critical for any business to be sustainable. Most salons that have a 33% churn rate, that is, 1 in 3 clients doesn't turn up next time. The clients can be easily attracted by your competitors unless you interfere through regular engagements. Use every possible opportunity like Festival wishes, Reminders for next services, coupons, anniversary/birthday wishes will make your brand remembered and you will be their top priority. Your software should do all the engagements in the background with most automated and allowing you to focus on handling clients and business strategy.

Continuous engagement

  • Appointment reminders

    Send multiple reminders for each appointment scheduled. Sending multiple appointment reminders to a client reduces no-shows and simultaneously builds trust. For example, We could send the 1st reminder message one day before the appointment, 2nd reminder 5 hours before the appointment, and 3rd reminder one hour before the appointment.

  • Digital invoices

    Send digital invoices to have more benefits and build trust and professionalism. Digital invoices contain a detailed service list and messages with feedback links. Clients can recall or revisit their Einvoice at any time.

  • Feedback, and thank you messages.

    Sending acknowledgment thank you messages along with the digital invoice and asking for feedback in the same message shows more professionalism.

In-depth Analytics of your Business

Revenue, sales, appointment, incentives reports alone are not enough. As a strategy maker you should have insights on every aspect of the business to know the potential opportunities to tap and possible losses to be controlled. The opportunities could range from getting new clients, increasing business potentials from each client, increasing loyalty and the loss could be due to optimizing the internal product usage, excessive discounts, negative reviews, etc. Does the software help you to make the right business strategies?


Automate cash registry

Taking notes of the cash registry is a common task for the cashier. The cash registry should take place two times a day. Opening cash registry and closing cash registry. Avoid the paperwork and bookkeeping with MioSalon by adding a cash registry with multiple denominations with opening and closing dates with day-wise reports is simple.

Ability to track expenses

  • Petty cash

    In a salon, petty cash expenses are common, and to track them on time, MioSalon has a shortcut to add daily petty cash expenses and give permission to the cashier to add the expenses. Can create various categories-for example, Tea expenses, stationery, Food and more.

Integrate with Quick books for accounting

MioSalon allows the integration of Quick books to track all the invoices for auditing purposes. Synchronize all the sold invoices and products to the quick books in the cloud and keep on records for auditing.

Know your salon client history without any data restriction

The amount of time and energy a salon owner spends on the client data, so restricting the data access, is not fair. But in MioSalon, there is no limit to accessing and adding client details.

Job card

Maintaining a job card is a separate daily task for the front desk manager. So allowing a print job card in the appointment screen saves time.

Control over Customization

  • Custom Field

    Each Salon and spa have a unique target audience and know the details to collect from a new client, so customize the field and define which field is mandatory to create a client profile.

  • Ability to change the cost/base price

    Service price is unique for each salon spa. So allow the salon owner or the Manager to update the service price anytime. Also, import all the service list in bulk. Salons with more than two outlets can migrate the centralized service list to all outlets in a single click.

  • Ability to change the discount value

    Based on the client's purchasing value and history, the Manager or owner can define the discount value by percentage or value, which will reflect on the invoice page.

Manage multiple branches

Every single salon owner aims to open multiple salons, and once they reach that stage, the next big task is managing all the salons and knowing the branch's performance and contribution. So, you need a software that supports multi branches. Salon owners should get all the consolidated reports daily/weekly/monthly.

Salon software for multi location
Manage multiple branches

Automate salon operations and focus more on outside the Salon. Salon owners should define the goal and automate most of the day-to-day bookings, and appointments

Use centralized login access and leave all the reports, engagement, feedback and controls to MioSalon software. And focus more on the expansion of business.

Allow branch-wise staff-wise different login access with restrictions. Single or multi-branch salons can create a different login access for each branch and staff based on the hierarchy. So no one can access others' accounts, and it's highly secured as a bank account. Admin can have access to all and define the other logins.

Login to your software and access the data from anywhere on any device

Salon owners may have multiple businesses and have time with family to control and view reports anywhere any device needs cloud technology. MioSalon is complete web-based cloud technology and login access from any device without restrictions.

Transfer the Salon's in-house product from one branch to another

Salons with more branches have more inventory and may transfer the products to those with insufficient stocks. With a single click, share the product from one location to another. Automatically the transfer product adds to the new Salon and keeps on track.

Allow clients to redeem prepaid wallets from any branches

Prepaid is a high-value loyalty program that allows clients to redeem their prepaid balance from any location. Doing this will allow all the clients to come in the same brand.

Do branch-specific campaigns

Each salon branch is different, and each location client is different, so do a bulk campaign branch-wise database and track the conversion.

Get a consolidated branch performance report

A chain salon owner's challenge is tracking which branch is performing well and where to put an effort. In MioSalon, you will get a consolidated revenue report in detail. And use it as a benchmark.

Control revenue leakage & pilferages

Controlling malpractice and revenue leakage is one of salon owners' top challenges. To avoid this, we need the latest cloud technology with multiple security base login access, OTP and download controls.

Avoid invoice manipulation

On average, two bills get deleted daily because the Salon needs proper software. Get an alert SMS/Email message for every bill cancellation or deletion. Or, remove the delete option to the cashier/manager, and they can reach the admin for the bill delete or edit.

Login access based on the hierarchy

In a salon spa, each staff's roles and responsibilities may differ and, based on the hierarchy, set login access with feature restrictions controls. Thus, the manager can login and access only appointments and specific campaign sessions.

High-level security on asset download

All the year's efforts and energy are for building the client data or assets.So have control over deleting the asset or downloading the asset. Don't allow anyone to access the master data. Ask for the password to delete the master. Don't allow downloading the file in the offline system. Instead, you could send it to the admin email id.

Protect Client Database

  • Masking numbers in all the screen

    Masking a client's mobile number is important to protect their privacy and security. It helps to prevent client phone numbers from being exposed to any 3rd parties or staff used in identity theft. So staff or managers can view the daily summary reports but cant view client phone numbers.

  • Disable download of client database

    Disabling the download of customer databases is an important security measure that can help protect client information.


Every business should have an automated tool that can handle and manage business operations. If you own a beauty business, getting salon management software is imperative. When you're choosing the right software for your business, keep the above considerations in mind. Finding salon software that can fulfill your business needs might seem like a daunting task. With MioSalon, all your salon processes are handled seamlessly. It ensures 100% customer satisfaction while increasing your overall bottom line.

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