The Ultimate Guide to
Salon Management

Learn how to manage your Salon and take your Business from Good to Great!

How to Manage a Hair Salon Business

The salon business is one of the most competitive industries. A lot of aspiring salon owners, take the plunge, open a salon and then get confused how to manage it. You may have the best products, services and processes, but if you cannot manage your salon, staff and clients effectively, your business will cease to exist. To succeed in your endeavour, the first step is to learn how to manage a salon business.

Determining goals, delegating duties and responsibilities, and promoting and maintaining your salon plays an important role in ascertaining the future of your business.

Today we will help you understand what is Salon Management and the essential duties involved in taking your business to the next level.

What is Salon Management

Management of a salon is a fulltime job. It entails managing every aspect that contributes to smooth working of the entire business. Setting goals, assigning staff duties, tracking inventory, recording customer data, marketing your business and keeping clients happy are few things that yield an organised and productive salon.

When a salon manager or owner excels in the art of salon management, you will notice a visible difference in the salon culture, employees' attitude and the overall functioning. Effectively and efficiently managing a salon may be time-consuming, but with salon management software and a hint of automation, the whole process seems less trying.

Complete Checklist for Salon Management

  • Online booking to maximise appointment schedule
  • Managing customer experience
  • Running personalised campaigns to enhance revenue
  • Hiring and training salon staff and employees
  • Managing inventory and retail stock
  • Tracking customer behaviour insights and staff performance metrics
  • Managing client feedback and online reputation
  • Purchasing latest and upgraded salon equipment
  • Managing salon health, safety, hygiene and cleanliness
  • Managing end-to-end finances and staff payroll
  • Planning membership programmes and gift cards to encourage repeat business
  • Managing more than one salon location and generating consolidated reports
  • Setting goals and tracking success
  • Securing employee and client wellbeing

Salon Management Duties & Responsibilities

Salon management is a broad term that encompasses various duties and responsibilities to be performed by a beauty salon manager. From supervising staff and scheduling shifts to recruiting experienced professionals, there are very duties and responsibilities a salon manager has to perform to manage day-to-day operations.

3 main pillars of salon management

3 main pillars of Salon Management

Oversee daily salon operations

An integral part of salon management is looking after operations. Ensuring the employees reach on time, checking their attire and hygiene, cleanliness within the salon, tracking product inventory, ordering supplies, arranging for regular maintenance of all equipment, keeping records up-to-date and managing salon software are few responsibilities a salon manager has to perform on a daily basis.

Stay on top of accounts

Expenses and income are an important part of salon management. To ensure the salon is running profitably, a budget should be set and every transaction should be accounted for separately. It is the duty of a salon manager to check if the staff and suppliers are paid on time. Other miscellaneous bills for electricity, water and utilities should be cleared on time too.

Developing innovative marketing programs

A beauty business thrives on its marketing activities and promotions. Managing a salon also involves rolling out exciting offers for your clients. It is not just a fool-proof way to bring in more clients but also ensures the revenue of your business is stable. The best way to come up with promotions is by checking the economic realities of your business.

While these are the basic salon management duties, it is also important for a salon manager to have top-notch communication, training and mathematical skills.

9 Pro Tips for Salon Management

Most salon owners find managing and motivating salon staff as the toughest challenge. While you need to be responsible towards the growth and development of your business, it is also important to manage employees, recruit experienced professionals and train them to ensure they preserve the image and reputation of your salon.

A crucial part of employee management is hiring and training. The secret to enhance the profitability of your salon is by hiring individuals that have a good personality with sound work ethics.

Whether you're hiring a hairstylist, nail technician, hair washer, makeup artist or aesthetician, you want the right person to fit the role. Make sure you conduct standard background and reference checks before getting an employee on board.

Here are 5 Best Tips to Manage and Motivate your Salon Employees

  • Engage in team building activities and exercises to motivate employees. Take their opinion when brainstorming for events and promotions.
  • An easy way to boost employee morale and push them to work harder is by giving them incentives. Incorporate a staff reward system or commission model. Each time an employee goes an extra mile, reward them for it.
  • Communicating your goals with your employees is important. Thus, hold regular meetings to keep every staff member in the loop on what's happening. Train them on the latest techniques of the beauty business and familiarise them with the concepts of upselling and cross-selling.
  • Having an open-door policy is imperative. Give your employees the vibe that they can reach out to you in any situation whether it's professional or personal.
  • Analysing staff performance every month should be made a routine. Conduct one- to-one meetings and point out how an employee can improve in a certain area to do better.

Loyalty Program

Incorporating a loyalty program is the best way to appreciate your customers for their repeated business. From merchandise and free treatments to discount coupons, you can shape your rewards program to enhance client retention.

salon client retention

Run a Membership Program

Introducing a salon membership program is a win-win situation for your salon and its clients. While they get to avail services at discounted rates, you get to see them often since their membership keeps them coming regularly. It not just boosts the profitability of your business but also enhances the overall bottom line.

Send Personalised Offers

If you wish to attract new clients while retaining the old ones, come up with personalised offers. Birthday discounts, 3 at the price of 2, festive offers and referral points system are different ways in which you can lure clients.

Make your clients happy

The key to customer retention is keeping your clients happy. The best way to do so is by communicating effectively, showing that you care, offering a simple appointment booking process and ensuring client satisfaction from the start to the finish.

Dealing with unhappy clients

At some point in the beauty business, you will have to deal with a disgruntled customer. Instead of losing your cool, approach the situation with a calm state of mind. Be patient, hear them out, sympathise with them and try to resolve the issue. Doing this will enhance the likelihood of them returning to your salon the next time.

Inventory management is crucial to the bottom line of your salon. When you keep track of your retail stock and backbar inventory, you know you have the required product to service your clients. The best way to get it right is by having an inventory management software in place.

With efficient inventory management, you can handle the flow of goods from the salon to the warehouse and from the manufacturer to the ultimate point of sale. Good inventory management not just helps in boosting sales but also ensures a salon has the right products in the right quantities at the right time. Other benefits include

Real-time stock control

hacks to manage salon product inventory

With salon management software , you can get full coverage of your stock. Enter the quantity of product used to perform a service and get alerted each time the product levels are low on the software.

Creating purchase orders

With end-to-end inventory management software, purchase orders are created automatically based on low stock levels.

Reduces shrinkage

Stock loss is a serious threat in the salon business. Since inventory management tools conduct automatic stock counts, you get a chance to prevent any kind of theft by shoplifters or employee fraud. It is a sure-shot way of minimising stock loss.

Of the many functions in the beauty business, operations, marketing and accounting are the most important ones to achieve organisational goals. A major part of salon management is taking care of these three basic functions.

It is the duty of every salon owner to manage operations, people, processes and resources on a day-to-day basis. It is also important to track revenue that is coming in from different sources.

When you own a salon, revenue typically comes in from more than one source. When you keep track, the bookkeeping process becomes much easier.

The different resources include service revenue, retail product revenue, booth rental income, chair upgradation, upselling, revenue from online store, pop-ups and exhibitions.


Increase Profitability with Salon Management Software

A hint of automation is all it takes to streamline your business processes and give your clients the experience they desire. If you're wondering how to manage store operations, accounting and revenue, salon software is the answer. While daily operations are automated, management evaluation becomes a lot easier.

Whether it's managing inventory, scheduling client appointments, securing feedback, selling retail products, marketing your business or managing employees, salon software is all you need to enhance profitability.

MioSalon: The only software your salon needs

To stand out in the competitive salon business, you have to put your best foot forward. Marketing your business effectively is the best way to go about it. Here are some tried-and-tested techniques that work

Personalised Email and SMS marketing

From sending out alert notifications to your clients to promotional messages, Email and SMS marketing has a wide potential. Keep clients in the loop by sending out offer messages during festivals, birthdays and different occasions. Go a step further and personalise them to make your client feel like you truly care about them. Sending targeted emails and messages enhances customer loyalty.

marketing your salon business

Add value

The offers you roll out should help you make money rather than killing your profits. It's all about adding value. There are many smart ways of doing this. 3 for the price of 2 works wonders in the beauty business. You can also introduce 'happy hours' on days when business is usually slower than usual. Doing this not just attracts new clients but also boosts your overall revenue and bottom line.

Use Instagram to your advantage

Instagram is the best place to market your salon business right now. Salon owners can use it to their advantage to publish before and after images, giveaway contests, tutorials, documentaries, beauty hacks and much more. With a consistent Instagram presence, you can attract a fair share of millennials who spend most of their time on the visual-sharing platform.

  • Let them know you care about them.
  • Showcase your hygiene measures
  • Conduct Q&As
  • Ask them to tag your business profile
  • Offer Giveaways & Contests
  • Use Relevant hashtags. Remember, don't overuse them. Algo works best if you use 7 hashtags

As a Salon Manager, collecting feedback is imperative. It can help you empower your business development strategies. It is also a great way to build your customer database. While feedback gives your team the much-required boost, it also helps you improve certain processes.

Here are few ways in which you can collect feedback from your clients

Setup Questionnaires

collecting feedback from salon clients

If you really want to know what your clients think of your salon, create a client survey questionnaire. The first rule is to 'keep it short'. Nobody has the time to fill up lengthy forms. You can personalise the survey questionnaire on the feedback system of your salon software.

Control negative feedback

In the beauty business, no matter how good your team is, you cannot escape negative reviews. It can also hamper the reputation of your business. With a professional feedback management system, you can control negative reviews. Each time your salon receives a poor rating, you will get alerted instantly, thereby giving you a chance to deal with the feedback accordingly.

Maintain Online Reputation

If your clients are posting positive reviews about your salon online or on social media platforms, make it a point to respond to them. You could also give them a little incentive each time they post a positive review about your salon. Anything from a complimentary nail polish to beard trim does the trick.

As a salon owner or manager, you're bound to communicate with different types of people on a daily basis. Whether it's your clients, stakeholders, staff or vendors, communicating effectively is a must. Here's how you can ace your communication while interacting with the different people associated with your business directly or indirectly.

Salon Business Meeting


When you're interacting with your clients, it is important to maintain a professional demeanour. The way you communicate will go a long way in ensuring your clients are comfortable and this will reinforce their trust in your services.


Your stylists and technicians are the heart of your business. While working with them, make sure you listen to what they have to say and show respect. When you do so, they'll tend to be more productive and dedicated towards their work.


Always keep suppliers and vendors in the loop of what's happening in your business. When you communicate consistently with them, they will be able to help you with latest trends and new products in the market.

In the beauty business, it is easy for employees to burnout. Owing to their busy schedules and nature of their job, they tend to feel stressed mentally and physically. As a salon owner or manager, it is your duty to ensure their welfare is taken care of. From conducting fun games to including team building activities, there are various ways in which you can make your staff feel loved and wanted while giving them their much-needed downtime.

Quick games to boost morale

Conducting games for your employees is always fun. Think trivia games, mind games, treasure hunt, puzzles, Pictionary, scrabble and word games to give them respite on a hectic work day.

Group meditation

Once a month, you can probably get in a professional Yoga trainer to conduct a group meditation session. This is a sure-shot way to improve concentration and reduce stress.

Group lunches

There's nothing a good meal cannot solve. Schedule a day each month to treat your staff to their favourite food at a nearby restaurant. While this may be a monthly, added expense, it will go a long way in employee retention.

While salon management is all about managing day-to-day operations, it is also about ensuring there is profitable business growth. As a salon owner, you're required to wear many hats and juggle between different locations.

To tackle this problem, and maximise efficiency and profitability of your business, salon management software is a great investment. The best part of using such software is that you can run your business from anywhere without being physically present.

If you're looking for an advanced yet easy salon software solution, MioSalon has you covered. The unique features of the software are built to suit your type of business.

Whether you own a beauty salon, hair salon, nail salon, spa or health and wellness center, MioSalon is here to make salon management a breeze. It helps business owners with business management, scheduling appointments, automated marketing, online billing, client management, customer feedback management, bookkeeping and more.

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